NoiseWorks GainAim
Vocal rider with five different speed modes
The GainAim vocal rider plugin comes with a variety of modes. This allows GainAim to react appropriately to different music genres and vocal dynamics. No matter the genre—be it opera, rock, hip-hop, or rap—selecting the right mode grants you precise control over volume adjustments. This also applies to the sound processing of other signals such as guitar and drums.
You can use the modes to set how quickly GainAim should adjust the actual volume to the target volume.
Rider: The “Rider” mode enables you to preserve the natural sound of your vocals, whether in the studio or live.
Leveler: The “Leveler” mode makes it possible to use GainAim as an autogain for each vocal track.
Fast: The “Fast” mode is a bass rider. It is equally suitable for very dynamic signals and fast sounds, such as rap.
Squash: The “Squash” mode turns your signal into a sausage.
Locked: The “Locked” mode fixes the current gain setting.
Streamline your workflow with our next level vocal rider
Features of the GainAim vocal rider:
Target Loudness: You can choose the target values you want.
Loudness Control: The “Fast” and “Squash” modes enable you to achieve quick loudness control.
No latency for live events: There is no time delay in the transmission of audio signals during live events or performances. This ensures real-time processing without any perceptible delay.
NoiseFloor: You can easily exclude audio signals, such as breathing sounds or noise, below a certain threshold.
Channel Link: You can control the amount of stereo linking applied to the trigger signal.
Preparation of signals: With GainAim you can prepare vocals and bass before compressing. Thanks to the automatic processing of vocals, you can prevent over-compression.
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