Xhun LittleOne
LittleOne is a faithful software emulation of one of the most legendary and appreciated hardware analog synthesizers, compact in design but also extremely powerful and expressive.
In addition to an accurate re-creation of the original signal path, every single component inside LittleOne (oscillators, filter, envelopes, etc.) prove the same original architecture, frequency response and operative range of its analogue hardware counterpart, producing a deep, rich and Warm sound.
Add to the equation a full rack with a 16-step analogue sequencer, a 16-step trancegate effect, two insert/master effects slots and the result is a complete, true-analogue-sounding setup within the comfort of a modern digital studio.
Nobody's Perfect
Perfection is not of this world. In nature, due to its inherent complexity (and beauty), everything is unpredictable, seemingly - for us - out of control. This makes things so special.
This is true for everything, also for musical instruments. Based on analog electronics components, an analog synthesizer brings within itself all the imperfections of this technology.
This is why it sounds so Warm and rich.
LittleOne synthesizer is entirely built upon this concept. The adoption of the Advanced Component Simulation (ACS) approach ensures that every component inside LittleOne is simulated preserving its original analogue hardware architecture and physical properties - including its own micro-imperfections and unique, time-varying instabilities. This means that - playing the same note twice - LittleOne will never produce exactly the same sound, not in a million years or more. Just as nature teaches us.
In addition, it is also possible to modify the electrical tolerances for each of the analogue components used inside the synthesizer. Choosing stable components will mimic a modern manufacturing process, while choosing unstable components will take you back in time, and everything inside LittleOne will behave as it was manufactured in the 1970s, making it even bolder and meaner.
This high-end approach assures brilliance, genuineness and depth to the sound.
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